Hey, guys!

I’ve been an awful slacker lately, yeah? >.<

But there is more coming up, I promise. I’ve been compiling a bunch of ideas, and somethings that are on the list:

– More poetry. Way to guess. XD

– A synopsis and the characters about a new project. [Complete with pictures!]

– a That Person post. I’m thinking I might do these around the end//beginning of the year, just reflecting on all the different changes in the last year. Example: I never imagined I’d be That Person, the one that actually worked up enough confidence to attempt NaNoWriMo.

If you have any suggestions not here, let me know in the comments, please. :)

Now, to find those pictures again…

on eye-openers.

Heyo, peoples. =]

So, I have so many subjects I want to write about and yet I don’t want to write any of them, and I hate this feeling. And these are deepish and I’ve almost convinced myself there’s not enough time, but browsing Pinterest is not exactly helping, so I may be cutting back on that soon…

Just not now. XD

I can’t believe summer is here, honestly. And then it’s gone, and winter draws near, and I am thankful, and it’s a never-ending cycle and yes. I hate and love it. Did that make sense?

Lately my eyes have been opened in a whole new way and it was a weird experience. It’s strange how you “know” something is happening, or being taught, or whatever but you don’t realize, it doesn’t click, that this is being taught in YOUR hometown. YOUR county. Even YOUR state. YOUR local community. You know?

I knew this kid once, and he worked diligently at our memory verses and knew the answers to nearly all the trivia or at least guessed, and was right a lot of the time. He had been coming to the annual VBS at my church for a few years. He had a speech problem, I think, but even though people made fun of him [as sorry as I am to admit it] he kept dogging on and looking back I admire him for that.

This year, this past week, we had VBS again. He came, as always. Most of the kids that were spreading rumors about him thought A. They were too old for VBS now, which was not true in several cases, or B. They didn’t care anymore. One girl now had a boyfriend and in high school that can be a very… time-consuming thing. It was sad because her best friend was left in the dust.

Anyway, back to this one kid. He was finishing the ninth grade at fifteen, which is right on track, I think… And there was a game this year that sparked a lot of debating between “teams” or really, just the students. It was a True or False game, and some of the statements were really conflicted between us, such as “You can believe in either God OR science.” and “the Bible agrees with abortion.” Both of which ended up being false. Those two especially were conflicted, and it didn’t help that most of us who regularly went to church there were on one side and the rest were on the other.

Another one, and this is where the afore mentioned fifteen-year-old comes in, was about evolution. He was taught that it existed, that it was true, and yet he still did his best to believe the Bible, and it was difficult for him. This was the last question, pretty much, and he ended up storming to our next activity because all the rest of us believed the total opposite, we believed in creationism.

Me, I’m homeschooled, and when I do science I have a Christian point-of-view textbook. Whenever I read otherwise, I was always taught to ignore it and/or not read it all. This was very eye-opening for me, just as it is when I read about suicides or shootings. As me, and as an author, I often wonder why people do that and in a roundabout way this has brought me to one of the subjects I mentioned, that my head is so completely full of and yet I don’t know where to start. Honestly, the best term for this is eye-opening, yeah?

I did not plan for this to be as long as it is, and if you’re still reading, thanks for bearing with me here. I appreciate it more than you know.