the Liebster Award!

Like the person who tagged me, Anna, I had done this a while ago but was nominated again. So, thank you for the nomination, Anna! You can check her out at The Adventure of Annapuppy – I, personally, highly recommend it. But you know.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
  2. Give your readers 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
  5. Invent 11 questions for your nominees.

11 facts about myself:

  1. I always know how to talk about myself until I do one of these things.
  2. I think coffee shops are the bomb dot com.
  3. It took a long time to figure out, but currently I consider myself to be a poet, but not necessarily a full-on writer.
  4. I enjoy crocheting. My favorite things to make are hats.
  5. I wear anywhere from a size 8 1/2 to a size 10 shoe, but usually I’m about a 9 1/2.
  6. My favorite gaming system is a Nintendo DS (which is also the only handheld system I own). Second favorite would have to go to… probably Nintendo Gamecube. Says the child who has never played any sort of Playstation in her life, of course.
  7. Going off that, Lord of the Rings: the Third Age is probably one of my all-time favorite games. Also, Final Fantasy VI.
  8. I’ve had a black Heartless (Kingdom Hearts) shirt for eight or nine months now, but I’ve only ever had two people actually mention it to me before. (The Doctor Who shirt, on the other hand…)
  9. I’m often self-centered, but I strive not to be selfish. There’s a difference, but we’ll save that for a rainy day, shall we?
  10. My favorite color is black. Second favorite is green.
  11. I think there should be 11 rules…

Anna’s 11 Questions:

11 Questions for my Nominees:
1. When did you start blogging? May 2013.
2. Who is your favorite author? ha just one you’re hilarious
3. What is your favorite state in the U.S. (besides your own)? I’ve always had a fascination with New York?
4. Who is your favorite musician? ahaha just one haha you’re really hilarious
5. If any fictional character could be the President of the U.S.A, who would you vote for? Do you think I have a clue?? (I’m too young to vote, anyway. bwahah)
6. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Either coffee or vanilla, probably.
7.What is your Myers/Briggs personality type? INTP.
8. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Salad. Always salad. Not only can you put virtually anything on it, regular salad is just really good. XD
9. How many pets have you had in your life? Like, my whole life? I think we’ve had a total of four or five. Yeah, that’s it.
10. What is your favorite Wonka brand candy? I have absolutely no idea. The only Wonka candy I can think of is Nerds, and I know for a fact that they aren’t my favorite.
11. What are your thoughts on marshmallows? They taste good, but too much can potentially end very, very badly. I don’t know much about them, come to think of it…

11 Bloggers I Nominate:

I don’t know of many bloggers outside the ones Anna tagged, haha. If you want to tag yourself, go right ahead, but leave me the link to your post in the comments, kay?

11 Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Tacos or burritos?
  2. What is your opinion of coffee?
  3. Who was your first fictional crush?
  4. If any two fictional characters, from different fandoms, could meet, who would they be and who would introduce them?
  5. What’s your current obsession?
  6. Peter Pan or Robin Hood?
  7. What do you think King Arthur’s favorite flavor of cake would be?
  8. Do you like spoken word poetry?
  9. Would you rather spend a day at Hogwarts or a week at Camp Half-Blood?
  10. French fries dipped in Coca-Cola or potato fries dipped in applesauce?
  11. Romance, thriller, or both?